Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Blockbuster News: Iron Man 3 Clip and Gatsby Trailer!

                It’s almost that time of year again. In less than a month the 2013 summer blockbuster season will begin with the release of Iron Man 3. Because of the upcoming event many of these films are releasing new footage.

First up we have a trailer for the delayed and highly anticipated film the Great Gatsby. This new trailer focuses more on the romantic aspects of the films. To me it has the same strengths and weaknesses as everything else I’ve seen from the film. On the one hand it seems as though the story is being rendered well. That’s very good because Gatsby is one of the greatest works of American literature and one of my all time favorite books. The movie also sports a strong cast that seems well chosen for their roles. On the other hand I don’t like how much CGI ( computer Generated Imagery) there is, I like movies to be done for real and sometimes this trailer almost looks like a video game. I think we’ll have to wait and see when the film is released but I am apprehensively excited.

Here’s a link to the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozkOhXmijtk

Next up we have our first clip from Iron Man 3. Due to the power of the internet movie clips released by studios are becoming more and more popular and for us critics this is very helpful for making early predictions. I was disappointed with Iron Man 2 and am not really all that excited about the third installment but I have to admit that this role is definitely Downey Jr.’s defining one. From what I see it is his presence that allows this clip to work and it was also his presence that made the Avengers so good. I am, however, a little apprehensive about what I’m seeing because it seems like the same old same old. This time Stark is once again overconfident but this time by blind revenge. He will get beat up and realize his stupid, rash, ways and save the day in the end. If this is done well it will be formula but watchable. If not done perfectly it will just feel old and uninteresting, we shall see.

Here’s a link to the clip:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edkcosdafcg

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